Weekly Reflection & Planning (Week 3)
This is a beautiful contemplated audio on Graciousness by Richard Rudd the Founder of the Gene Keys. May this nourish you with the angelic frequencies and open you to receive the graciousness that is always present.
Reflection Question for Week 3:
1. What do you love to do, are most passionate about and unique challenges you a=have grown through that made you who you are today?
2. What habit did you choose to upgrade to move you closer to the version of you that you are becoming?
3. Begin to contemplate the question...how can I do what I most love to do while making my biggest contribution to the world?
4.What are the 8 archetypal energies you noticed as EITHER major life patterns or themes playing out in your life OR energies who want to call in to empower you as you begin to step into walking the path of your dharma.
PDF: Weekly Reflection & Planning