Additional Resources
Week 1
Week 2
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8

Transforming Challenges to Gifts

All Challenges Are Opportunities for Soul Growth

Learning to face and embrace resistance with compassionate acceptance is a HUGE part of creating a life of true inner and outer FREEDOM. It is the daily practice of consciously choosing to see challenges as opportunities to bring an unconscious pattern into conscious awareness so we can take a different empowered value-aligned action. We can not control all that happens in our life, but we have absolute control over how we choose to respond to whatever arises.

The mind thinks that what’s familiar is safe, even if it’s not, so as you move beyond your comfort zone, it is very natural for resistance as an innocent protection mechanism.

The key is to attune your mindset to see resistance as a natural part of growth. This is a shift in mindset. Notice how you feel it as a pressure, when an opportunity arises to stay in the comfort zone or step out of it.  This is where we come back to our values and ask ourselves, "What decision or behavior is in alignment with what I value most in life?

Learn to ask yourself: What do I need in this moment to bring more clarity and peace? For example, if you are feeling resistance manifesting as a feeling of overwhelm, there is an invitation to take a power pause, and reflect on one value-aligned action rather than the story that there is more in that moment than you can handle. Choosing this lens keeps us stuck in inaction and feeling overwhelmed. If you need support, ask for it. If you need to express your feelings, say them out-loud to self or another. If you need to learn something to gain clarity, do it. If you need to move your energy, go for a walk. All of these little things are energy in action that allows us to get out of our minds and into actions that empower us.

The Universe always replaces what exits your life with something bigger and better. Resisting change keeps us stuck. Let go of what needs to be removed so it can be recycled and renewed. There are great blessings that come from accepting what is and allowing it to move through.