soul path accelerator methodology

The Soul Path Accelerator Methodology

Soul Tribe Sisters offers a unique mastermind style container for soulful CEO’S and visionaries to undergo perspective shifting and mindset expanding experiences that create the fertile soil for lasting transformation. We use a unique combination of therapeutic, scientific and spiritual techniques to expand one’s perception of possibility, upgrade belief systems and behavior that enable one…

soma breath soul seed activation


Hey Soul Path Pioneer!Kelly Turgeon and I recently shared a powerful and high energy SOMA Breath Breathwork Session with over 700 people from around the world – the session was themed the SOUL SEED ACTIVATION. We were buzzing for days afterwards from the powerful energy from everyone on the call. In the days following the…

SOMA meditation teacher

The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude is the quality of the heart and it’s good for your brain chemistry. The University of California Davis studied people who kept a weekly gratitude list, compared to people who kept a list of things that irritated them. They concluded that a conscious focus on blessings may have had an emotional and interpersonal benefit. …