Are you longing for...
A deeper sense of FULFILLMENT and meaning in your life?
Making a positive IMPACT in the world on a bigger scale than every before?
CLARITY on who you truly are and live a life in alignment with your unique gifts, truth and joy?
FREEDOM from the blocks that are holding you back from the life you are meant to live?
The Soul Path Accelerator is a group coaching container for inspired female visionaries looking to overcome long-standing patterns of resistance keeping them from fully stepping into their higher calling. Learn how to align your energy, thoughts, behaviors and actions to your true heart's calling and interweave your sacred gifts, passions and life wisdom into a creative expression that is of service to others. Aligning with your signature soul flow opens the door to create meaningful change in your life and the lives of others..
Book a Free Clarity Call
Apply for a FREE 30-minute clarity call to gain clarity on what you want, what is blocking you, and discover pathway through.
Here are a few of the biggest challenges we see hold soul-preneurs back:
Lack of Clarity
Not being clear on who you truly are, what you value, what your innate gifts are leads to vagueness on how and who we are meant to serve.
Distraction & Overwhelm
When we aren't clear on our WHY and our purpose ,we use distraction mechanisms to comfort ourselves which leads to overwhelm.
Limiting Beliefs + Self Doubt
The subconscious patterns that keep us frozen is self-doubt and self-sabotaging behavior cycles.
Exhaustion & Burnout
Outdated patterns of behavior that keep us working long hours on to-do lists that drain our energy and exhaust our creative resources
Lack of a Support System
Trying to where every hat, sitting in isolation in front of a computer screen without a community to support you.
Allowing your inner critic to set a bar of impossible standards that leave you frozen and in non-action
Can you relate to any of these...?
The good news is...there is an easier way! You are in the right place.
We created the SOUL PATH ACCELERATOR - to support female visionaries to fulfill their potential and get in the groove of taking courageous action rather than yielding to adversity.
Magic is found in the small daily intentional acts. We help you open the door to unlock your hidden potential and embody the soulful success you crave and create a life you love.
Our coaching methodology is deep-rooted in somatic practices that shift the energy you bring into everything you do.
When we change the way we breathe, we change the way we feel, and this changes the quality of our thoughts and our decisions. The quality of our decisions is reflected in our external reality.
By changing the way the feel, from the inside out, we open up a whole new spectrum of creative possibilities.

When you commit to the path of a purpose-driven vision, it feels like you are being guided by a divine force.
We have first hand experience turning our own soul-aligned vision into a successful, freedom-filled business that runs from alignment, ease and flow.
We learned quickly the power of having a method to transform obstacles into opportunities for growth. The more clear we got on our inner compass the more fulfilled and guided we felt.
It is our highest intention help you awaken to the JOY of bringing forth your unique purpose in the world.

There is a master vision for your life, you are loaded and coded with it, it is not coming from external sources, as it is within you.
The Power of Soul Tribe
We're "more connected than ever before", with the rise of the online world, but we can see and feel that culturally on the ground we are yearning for those deep connections and community with our soul tribe. For those of us following a path of purpose and a more aligned lifestyle, having the company of lit-up beings that really SEE YOU and mirror the beauty within is so extremely powerful.
The Soul Path Accelerator holds you in a supportive energy container where wins are celebrated and fears can be expressed, embraced and transformed into actionable insights.

This program is so much more than the sum of its're going to walk away with clarity, confidence and roadmap to create RESULTS and FULFILLMENT that will ripple out in all aspects of your life for years to come.

For the first time in my life I feel like I can be the TRUTH of who I am.
Jenny Roberts - Writer
Patty has a unique approach to uncovering the parts of myself that I was never able to see or fully accept. For this first time in my life I feel like I can be the TRUTH of who I am and validate this part of me that for longest time I had forgotten. Her positive energy and ability to see the big picture behind my words acted as a catalyst for revealing what I what truly makes me happy and the confidence to take actions to get there.

I recognize day by day the depth and value of my offerings...
I recognize day by day, the depth and value of my offerings that were there already but needed a pathway to follow so they could reach the destination and the people waiting to benefit from them.

I feel a new found excitement and passion for life I haven't felt in years!
Jessie Truilo - SPiritual Entrepreneur
The coaching program with Kelly has been such an eye opening and transformative experience. It has led me to see so many new possibilities and opportunities. I feel a new found excitement and passion for life I haven't felt in years! Working with Kelly has helped me move through the blocks that have been holding me back for years from fully stepping into what I truly want in live. This was a truly life changing 3 months!

...and like an alchemist, Patty is helping me transform that anxiety and fear into trusted allies.
Helene Hugh - CEO/Entreprenuer
Working with Patty feels like Divine Intervention! She radiates inspiration and just connecting with her raises my vibration. She is a master at changing and creating a healthy mindset. Her ability to meet me where I am, even in my darkest places, and help me elevate my perspective is truly transcendent. I struggle with a fear-based belief system and anxiety and like an alchemist, Patty is helping me transform that anxiety and fear into trusted allies. Her soft and loving approach is completely disarming. Patty is a true healer and I feel blessed to have her in my life.

Business Owners | SOMA Breath Transformational Coaches | Coaching Mastery Certified Coaches
Together we've Coached over 500+ Students Spanning 28 Countries On Life Changing Journeys.

Holistic Soul Alignment Coach, Spiritual Mentor and Breath Therapist
Patty is a soul-centered entrepreneur dedicated to embodying a high vibrational field of existence that prioritizes health, soul-aligned living and helping others create a life of freedom and purpose. Patty supports visionaries gain clarity on their unique gifts, talents and potency points to step into a their new identity that is a direct reflection of the inner most expression that longs to be expressed and infused into every area of life.

Soul Path Accelerator Coach & SOMA Breath Transformational Coach
Kelly is a soul-centered entrepreneur that broke free of the corporate grind and is passionate about helping others to do the same. Kelly supports soul seekers ready to answer the call of stepping into a life that is truly soul nourishing, meaningful , deeply fulfilling. and aligned with what truly lights them up. She integrates her business expertise, with embodiment and breath work to create inner resonance & lasting fulfillment and success.