About Patty

There is a divine spark within all of us that is overflowing with our signature gifts, talents and signature energy blueprint. This is what I came to know at a the age of 15 after a profound healing experience that instantly upgraded my view and inner standing how powerful we truly are.

I experienced a glimpse of the collective divinity that resides in all of us and upon waking, the “incurable” disease that had been weighing me down was lifted and replaced with a pure sense of joyous presence - my Essence.  

From this moment, I was ignited with the gift of seeing the unrealized potential in those around me. I can SEE the gifts underneath the shadows and through a process of intuitive questioning can catalyst remembrance in those around me. I have a unique way of listening and connecting dots that supports my clients in rekindling their relationship with their zone of genius and bring forth their unique medicine in a way that feels truly authentic.

My Story

In my personal experience, nothing is more painful, that staying stuck in a place where you don't quite belong.

After my awakening when I was 16, I went through a period of falling asleep (conditioning) which brought upon years of feeling like I was living a life for someone else. I was living a version of success defined by society that I thought would bring happiness, only to discover my soul would call me forth to a higher level of service.

I strayed so for away from my true self that I ended up having a heart attack...in that very moment I made a promise to my self that If I lived, I would dedicated my life to my personal healing journey and share the threads of wisdom I discovered along the way.

For the last 5 years, I have been traveling world, fully dedicated to revealing WHO I truly am, what I value, what my signature gifts and passions are, and who I am here to impact. I have spent years LIVING the fruits of what I now share in my offerings. Through my own healing, I have magnetized the perfect people, experiences and pathways to bring forth my soul work - TO serve YOU in remembering your UNIQUE EXPRESSION and how to bring it forth. 

My Unique Approach

Many coaching programs offer a one size fits all solutions...but I am certain we are all uniquely different and therefor require a customized soul-ution to call us forth to our highest potential and bring us home to our True Self. In my approach, I guide you back to the eternal place with in that already knows everything you need. I help you remember how to access the guru within so you have the power of the Universe at your finger tips to bring forth in all your creative expressions.

My Group Coaching Approach

inner revelation method

My coaching program integrates soul + strategy to help you remember your power, gifts and passions and package it in a way that creates the impact and fulfillment that elevates all those you magnetize.

Freedom starts with the realization that we can choose what we focus on, and what we focus on grows. Where we place our attention we place our energy. To become the person we are designed to be, our fully alive Self, we have to reprogram the old pattens, habits, beliefs and behaviors keeping us stuck

This is hard to do on your own unless you have MASSIVE determination and discipline, with a clear way of seeing your blind spots. For the rest of us, the power of group coaching container gives you multiple perspectives, ideas and insights into your unique energy and offerings. 

The accountability, feedback and support you will receive with help overcome the moments of doubt, resistance and self-sabotage that try to pull us back towards our comfort zone when growing through out upper limits and into our greatness. 

I can promise you, NOTHING feels as good as living a life in alignment with your purpose, aligned with your values, sharing your innate gifts with authenticity, being YOU and allowing your energy to be expressed to serve those who need you most! This is true abundance in action that initiates waves of support, flow and ease from the Universe. 

For the first time in my life I feel like I can be the TRUTH of who I am. 

Jenny Roberts - Writer

Patty has a unique approach to uncovering the parts of myself that I was never able to see or fully accept. For this first time in my life I feel like I can be the TRUTH of who I am and validate this part of me that for longest time I had forgotten. Her positive energy and ability to see the big picture behind my words acted as a catalyst for revealing what I what truly makes me happy and the confidence to take actions to get there.

...and like an alchemist, Patty is helping me transform that anxiety and fear into trusted allies. 

Helene Hughes CEO SuBBuzzles

Working with Patty feels like Divine Intervention! She radiates inspiration and just connecting with her raises my vibration. She is a master at changing and creating a healthy mindset. Her ability to meet me where I am, even in my darkest places, and help me elevate my perspective is truly transcendent. I struggle with a fear-based belief system and anxiety and like an alchemist, Patty is helping me transform that anxiety and fear into trusted allies. Her soft and loving approach is completely disarming. Patty is a true healer and I feel blessed to have her in my life.

We will bring forth the most intimate parts of you longing to be accepted, expressed and embodied...

The Pain you have been disguising.

The Dreams you've never lived

The Power you've been suppressing

The Love you have been withholding

Talents & Gifts you've pushed aside

Your Light you've been dimming

This is so much more than a coaching program...this is a soul retrieval.










  • WEEKLY ONE-ONE COACHING CALLS for 3-Months for Personalized Support and Feedback 
  • VOXER VOICE SUPPORT for quick access feedback, continued support and accountability between that calls 
  • 12+ Powerful Self-Development Tools to Help You Connect with Your Authentic Truth, Clarity on Who You Are and Aligning Your Life With It
  • Weekly SOMA Breathwork Tracks to Connect You Back with Your Truth and Remove Energetic Blocks Naturally