Supercharge Your Mind, Body & Spirit And Call In Your True Life's Purpose In This 21 Day Virtual Retreat
Join the next class starting on August 17th 2020 (Live Calls will be on Monday @ 10:00 am EST)
This virtual retreat is taught through 4 webinar sessions + downloadable guided breathwork meditation and exercises.
Course Enrollments close on August 15th 2020
An Inner Journey to Discover Your Deepest Desire and Break Free from What is Holding You Back
Learn to become and alchemist of your own energy and liberate yourself from the lense of limitation.
We all have limiting beliefs that stop us from achieving our dreams or our everyday goals. From a very young age we are influenced by our envirnment, our parents, cultural beliefs, friends and education system that is creates our beleif systems, behaviors, relationships, self talk and the roles we play each day. Many of us go through life without questioning these imposed beliefs and ponder the deeper question of "Is this really how I feel? Are my belief systems holding me back from taking action and stepping into my full potential? Are my thoughts, behaviors and actions aligned with my hearts deepest desires?
If you are feeling the calling to make a change and awaken to a greater vision for your life, THE SOMA 21 Day Awakening Protocol is one of the most powerful rapid transformation programs on the planet to shift out of old conditioning and awaken your domant super powers within.
In May 2016 we performed the SOMA Awakening Breathwork ceremony at an event called Afest by Mindvalley. A team of NASA scientist’s and founders of Peak Neurofitness measured brainwaves during the session and the results were astonishing, confirming that participants can have emotional releasing, deep relaxation and even Aha moments in just one session.
Trypnaural Ultra combined with special breathwork techniques handed down from true masters of ancient breathwork techniques enhances brain function like nothing else!
If deep moments of lasting transformation can happen within one session, think about what is possible when you pair these powerful ancient techniques over a 21 Day period?
SOMA Breath has discovered a way to provide you with many more benefits than traditional meditation practices without having to dedicate long hours becoming an expert. Our revolutionary techniques also make the practice highly enjoyable giving you more reason to do it every day!
Special offer! Enroll now and get a 55% DISCOUNT
Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up...
This course will be split into an introductory component lasting 3 days followed by 3 weeks working through separate breathwork meditations each week. Each breathwork meditation session consists of 5-10 minutes of diaphragmatic rhythmical breathwork followed by a series of breath retention techniques lasting 4-5 mins. A target spO2 level of 80-85% for 2-3 mins duration of breath retention provides the desired outcome and benefits.
During the introductory period you will be given some thought provoking exercises and a video tutorial of how to perfect the breathing technique so that you are fully prepared for the first live meditation. Once the introductory period is complete, there will be 1 live session each week (total of 3 live sessions + a wrap up call at the end) accompanied by downloadable guided meditations and exercises to work through during the remainder of the week.
Week 1: The Initiation Phase
Guided 20 minute breathwork meditation in downloadable audio format prepares you for the deeper practices. This week is all about priming your physiology and tapping into your creative imagination to tune into your deepest desire.
Week 2: The Awakening
Guided 40 minute audio breathwork meditation awakens your ‘inner pharmacy’ strengthening, healing and nourishing your body with vital oxygen while giving you the therapeutic benefits of intermittent hypoxia.
Week 3: SOMA Phase
Guided 60 minute audio breathwork meditation releases the ‘Soma’ molecule from within giving you bliss, connection and the peak human experience.
Week 4: The Wrap Up
Final group call to go over what was experienced over the 21 Day Awakening Journey and learn about the daily recommended practice going forward.
Here’s what people are saying about the course
There have been thousands of students who have gone through this life transfrmation course that continues to provide exeptional experiences that lead to rapid growth across many facets of life.
"I had a sense of connection with spirit and feel it can be even deeper with more practice"
“its a level I never reached before”
“I feel clear about my life & purpose”
“it really can take you to altered states of consciousness.. I would do it all day”
“tI was mystical, magical... bigger than myself”
“I was filled with an overwhelming sense of peace, connection & spirit...”
The Foundational Elements of the Awakening Journey
A expertly crafted combination of the world's most ancient secrets that optimize your mind, body and spirit to open a portal to optimum human potential and lasting transformation.
Step 1: Creative Visualisation | Your Average Perfect Day
Your journey through life can be described as a series of dots that mark important milestones, such as a book you read, a chance encounter, a conversation you had or a course you decided to study.
We help you achieve your first ‘dot’ or milestone towards your dream life targets using the APD (average perfect day) guided meditation technique . APD is a method that uses the power of your creative imagination to create a vision, feeling and sense of clarity about your dream life targets. We then chunk these goals down into realistic and achievable milestones.
Step 2: Experience The Awakening Breath Journey
The Awakening is a powerful intention setting breathwork practice that will help create unstoppable momentum, motivation and drive to reaching your first ‘milestone’ towards your average perfect day.
This transformative breathwork technique supercharges you into a state of passion, flow and determination by raising your emotional energy to high self esteem and confidence. Peak performance coaches recognise that passion is the number one factor for success.
Step 3: Reprogram Limiting Beliefs | Activate New Potentials
This technique is also a powerful self hypnotic tool for seeding your intentions deep into your subconscious mind, programming your brain stem to tune into the frequency of reality that is essential for you to reach your dream life targets.
Be prepared for a life full of positive surprises and synchronicities when you begin your journey of awakening to your full human potential.
Step 4: Intermittent Hypoxia Training
The Awakening breathwork naturally stimulates the scientifically proven method of intermittent hypoxic training (IHT) without needing the expensive equipment that is essential for IHT. You will learn how to integrate this powerful tehnique that enables you to become more efficient at using oxygen, become more resiliant to stress and increase your overall health and longevity.
Special Bonus to Support You Along the Way
By choosing to go through this 21 Day Awakening program of lasting transformation guided by SOMA Breath Master Instructor, Patty Turgeon gives you access to a Daily Manifesting Manifesto to help keep you on track throughout the course + one 30 minute 1-1 support call with Patty to ensure you are getting the most out of your 21 Day Journey.
Receive a Special 55% Discount for the Normal Price
Tell them all about this other great thing that they also get. Maybe it’s access to a members-only facebook group or online forum. If so, tell them about it here!
Tell them why this bonus feature of your course is going to help them achieve even more than what you’ve already outlined in the modules above. 1-on-1 coaching calls, downloadable workbooks, cheat sheets… whatever it is, mention it in this section.
A Manifesting Manifesto for Your Journey
You will get a beautiul downloadble Manifesting Manifesto Worksheet that has been specially designed to tune your awareness the qualities that create your Average Perfect Day. By asking yourself deeper questions you uncover and refine more of what you truly desire in life, connect with what inspires you, and give time to value and appreciate what you already have so you can show up each day aligned with your visions and insights that arise through the course.
Free 1-1 Attunement Call with Patty
To Ensure you get the most out of this powerful transformation program, you will receive one private 30 minute 1-1 attunement call to discuss and work through any challenges that arise along the journey.
This session is geared to help you bring awarenss to the things you may not see and create a space for you to get support on any questions that arise within the course.
About Your Guide,
Patty Turgeon
Patty was synchronistically guided to SOMA Breath on the magical island of Koh Phangan, Thailand. Her first SOMA Breath session opened a trancendental state that illuminated the path of sharing SOMA as form of medicine to aid in the elevation of consiousness for humanity.
SOMA helped Patty heal from a heart attack without any medication, overcome a life-time fear of public speaking and acted as the creative catalyst to start an eco-friendly, water bottle brand - Bhavana Bottle - that has since expanded to over 10 countries. Patty has facilitated SOMA breathwork at festival around the world, women's retreats, teacher trainings, online courses, virtual retreats and has led hundreds of students through The 21 Day Awakening Journey.
It is Patty's soul mission to share the power of this ancient wisdom as an acitvator of our innate superpowers to live out our highest potential in a harmonious, healthy and deeply fulfilled life.

Here’s what people are saying about the course instructor

Christian Doe
Simple yet deeply powerful
I loved attending Patty's guided breathwork sessions. Her voice and words are simple yet deeply powerful and always ring the perfect notes to bring awareness to what is needed.

Barbara Lane
I felt deeply held, safe and connected.
Patty is the embodiment of divine grace. I loved being in her ceremonies. I felt deply held, safe and connected. Her beautiful essence, presence and words will take you on a mgaical journey into deep knowingness.

Marie Jones
A Special Gift
Patty has a special gift of listening beyond the words that are being spoken to her and connecting the the meaning behind them to open up new ways of seeing, being and receiving.
This course is packed full of ancient wisdom backed by scientific research that integrates the world's most transfomrational modalities that would normally cost you upwards of $10,000 to learn individually. SOMA has expertly woven together the golden nuggets of NLP, pranayama, heart coherence, Intermittent hypoxia training, law of attraction, creative visualization, meta-reprogramming, meditation and life coaching to bring you the world's most potent and impactful transfomation formula.
There are only 3 SOMA Instructors certified to teach this course and Patty is one of them. She has been gifted the privelege of offering her students the lowest possbile price in order to share this powerful life changing medicine with as many people as possible. The price below is the LOWEST price you will find.
(Next Class Starts On Aug 17th 2020)
Start Anytime
regular course
One sentence summary of what they get
Advanced course
One sentence summary of what they get
Course Enrollments close on August 15th 2020

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days
Since we launched this course in 2018, we have had over 3000 people complete it with less than a 0.5% refund rate. This combined with the endless positive feedback we get from our participants has given us the confidence to know that we are providing something of great value to the world. However, In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with this course within the first week of the 21 Day Journey, we will refund 100% of your payment. All you have to do is send our support an email before week 2 begins and you will receive a refund, no questions asked.
4000+ Students Spanning 21 Countries Have Experienced this Life Changing Journey.
See what recent students are saying about the 21 Day Awakening Breath Journey...

Debra Grant
Massive improvements in my overall health
Niraj’s tools and techniques resulted in a massive improvement in my overall health and well-being. The sort of positive changes that my doctor’s thought to be impossible without the use of more powerful medications. Niraj’s insight and strategies were key for me in breaking past that place of doubt and stepping into a new life of health and happiness.

Linda Parker
I had to unlock the power within me first
Being in the Army I have endured the hardest stress of my life. I always knew deep within me that I was different. I saw this in everyone else around me. I knew I had to unlock the power within me first before I could help everyone around me. I fell asleep listening to the meditations and was forced to awaken feeling different parts of my brain opening, and parts I have never felt before! So I know I am on the right path and have found the right place to go to!

Glenda Sanders
Immence clarity and peace
Woweeee, just completed the first 45 min week 2 session… AMAZING. Def feeling the sexual energy, the bliss and the Oneness. Immense clarity and peace afterwards. Lots of Creative Ideas coming through… Really (calmly) excited about this process… ZEN. Looking forward to a week of this. I have a busy weekend ahead with 12hour days so will have to wake up at 6am to do this.. Genuinely excited to. COMMITTED! Hope all are having deep & beautiful experiences.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you can't make one one of the 4 weekly calls, you will get access to the recorded version of the call to enjoy at a time that is convenience for you. You also get access to 3 previous 21 Day Journey's guided by Niraj. There is nothing to worry about! You are supported and have lifetime access to tthe course content.
The 21 Day Awakening Breath Journey is a living library of wisdom that provides a ton of valuable videos, worksheets, meditation and exercises that you can access when you have the time. The only practice you will be asked to do daily is your daily breathwork meditation that will be between 20-60 minutes depeding on the week.
Since we launched this course in 2018, we have had over 3000 people complete it with less than a 0.5% refund rate. This combined with the endless positive feedback we get from our participants has given us the confidence to know that we are providing something of great value to the world. However, In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with this course within the first week of the 21 Day Journey, we will refund 100% of your payment. All you have to do is send our support an email before week 2 begins and you will receive a refund, no questions asked.
Upon purchasing the course, you will gain access to the private 21 Day Awakening Breath Facebook Group where you can post any questions that arise for you rthroughout the journey to get answers and support my Master Instructors and the SOMA community.
Intermittent Hypoxic Training, and therefore breath holding to create brief intermittent hypoxia as guided in SOMA Breath, should NOT be practised in the case of any of the following:
- Severe/critical diseases or infections
- Organ failure or late-stage terminal illness
- Pregnancy
- Cancer (Exception: your doctor gives you specific permission)
- If you have epilepsy, a pacemaker, or irregular heart beat (Exception: your doctor gives you specific permission).
You will still gain enormous benefits from this course. The rhythmic breathing and visualisation techniques will help you tremendously.
Simply stay away from the breath retentions unless you are supervised by your health professional.
Personal Note from Patty
If I could share anything at this moment it would be to TRUST that you have been guided to the doorway to one of the planet's most transformational programs on earth. All you have to is say YES and watch your life begin to change right before your eyes in ways you may have never imagined possible. You will step out into the world with a completely rejuvenated love for life and your purpose in it. I can't wait to see you there!