Every person on Earth is graced with a powerful gift. When activated and utilized to serve others, our passion, enthusiasm and love for life creates a powerful magnetic field to attract everything needed to fulfill our purpose.
It’s the intangible secret force that allows you to move through the obstacles Life brings you, magnetize your energy and walk your unique path of soulful success and freedom. Awakening to your gifts, ignites your unique Divine spark and the truth of who you are in this dimensional plane. The truth of who you are is encoded in your soul and once you connect with your soul you unleash a powerful energy that will change your life forever.
Are you ready to awaken to your gifts?
Does any of this sound familiar?
If you desire to radically shift your life from a place of disharmony to a place of complete authenticity, ease and nourishing prosperity, then it’s time to embrace your unique gifts
and activate your personal power to release them to impact the world.
The Story That Inspired My Calling To Help Others Discover Their Innate Creative Gifts
For most of my life, I didn't feel that I had any special or innate gifts that would be of value to others.
I also felt out of place because I was living a life that was expected of me and not the life that I knew I was designed to live. Growing up, I had many conditioned beliefs around money - I had to work hard for money, money doesn't for on trees (scarcity), I am not good at managing money, I have to grind to get what I want, and overall a strong "have to do" this energy based from fear that continually compromised my boundaries. This was paired with a deep sense of unworthiness, that created doubt that I could ever do what I loved and make it my vocation. My fear kept me from dreaming big because I was too afraid to fail.
I was unaware of my limiting beliefs and kept my negative self talk hidden in the depths of my own mind. And was good at creating an illusion that everything was fine on the surface. At this time, I was living in my zone of excellence, utilizing my gifts in marketing and web design to support others grow their business - but I did not value my worth, so I overcommitted my energy and worked too much for too little, which drained me even more.
There was a deep inherent feeling of misalignment and deep down I new there something more. Eventually this force was too strong to ignore and I had a heart attack at age 28. So I woke up and went searching...This was a catalyst that inspired me to travel the world. I became a seeker, looking for ways to reconnect with a way of being, relating and creating in way that felt fully aligned, freeing and fulfilling. I knew in my soul this way of life was possible, but it definitely didn't happen overnight. My personal experience and trainings provided me with a powerful toolkit of practices that helped me slowly unwind and realign...but deep down I always felt like I was missing my bigger WHY...
Unconsciously, I was afraid to dream BIG because the fear of rejection, criticism and judgment where too strong....My ego found sneaky ways of suppressing, avoiding, distraction, self-sabotaging, and deflecting me from taking the actions I needed to create the meaningful change I craved...
Then...one day the urge to grow overcame the resistance to change. I decided to take massive action. I was done settling for living half-heartedly, I chose to invest big in myself and acknowledge my need for accountability and support. This shift of mindset, and meeting myself where i was at, opened new opportunities for others to mirror my gifts to me and started to build up a different way of seeing myself. I slowly started to trust in Life, and started to show up for myself and others in new ways. I became curious with whatever situation Life brought me rather than resistant. I began to see Life through a symbolic lens that enabled me to innerstand the deeper dimensions of my Life experience.
I remember the exhale of relief that came from the moment I reclaimed my creative power. It was as if the entire Universe shifted and celebrated to support me by magically bringing in all the missing pieces I couldn't see before. It was as if a heavy weight had been lifted and my tunnel vision shifted. Harmony united my mind, body and spirit and activated my personal power. I unlocked abilities, dreams, and desires that were locked so far away that I didn’t know they existed. My intuition became razor-sharp. I unlocked symbolic sight and started to receive clear messages and insightful downloads that have since helped many women reclaim their inherent worth and improve the quality of their lives.
I now see life as alive with endless opportunities, possibilities and support flows in my direction. I’m now FREE to travel, build and scale my six-figure business and live a life of flow and ease. This creative activation of my gifts and purpose instilled a deep cellular relaxation that arose from the knowing that I am exactly where I am meant to be, in each moment. This path awakened my soul's calling to help others uncover their own innate gifts and creative power.
That is why we are hosting this special Webinar... to mirror the magic hidden deep inside those ready to answer the call of their soul and take the first step by committing to show up with an open curiosity. It is the call that keeps on calling until we answer!! It is our intention that we create a safe container for you to relax into your innate knowing, and recognize the true value and purpose of your presence on the planet at this time. Saying yes to the soul isn't always the easy path but I promise it will be the most internally fulfilling and amazing adventure you can experience in this life. Alignment feels good even if it takes dedication and effort, because we feel as thought the entire Universe is supporting us!
If I can do it, you absolutely can too!