Integrating Ego + Essence 

This is a sample lesson + meditation from our 3-Month Soul Path Accelerator Program that discusses the foundational awareness of egoic identity structures (human) and your essence (being). Seeing this helps detach from the thoughts that can keep us stuck and learn to see thoughts that arise from essence as a witness that isn't defined by the stories. Your ability to be the witness is your power.

It is recommended to listen to the Wholeness Meditation before the Back to Bliss Breathwork. The key is comfort. Headphones are recommended!

What Others Have Said About The Soul Path Accelerator


I just got done with the restoring your wholeness meditation again and I just want to say how very very very special meditation. you have channeled the divine in its entirely through this meditation, the divine has chosen you give this unique gift to the world. I feel like you need to reach as many people as possible with this particular mediation, it is so special, it holds the key to bring people back home, bring people back to themselves in their entirely. Thank you so much for this gift.



I love this meditation. Im so impressed by how much more powerful the breath work is when there are these beautiful intentions activated before hand.



Imagine if you were to do this consciousness expanding practice everyday for 3 months while doing the mindset work to discover who you truly are, the gifts you are here to share and how you can package them to be of service to the whole. The video below shares a bit about our upcoming Case Study group  where we will mentor a small group through our proven process to gain the clarity, alignment and purpose your soul is calling you toward.

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